Since 1996, DPI Pressure Washing and Window Cleaning Clearwater has been dedicated to providing top-notch pressure washing and window cleaning services to residential and commercial property owners in Clearwater and the entire Tampa Bay area. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has made us a trusted name in the industry for over two decades.
Introducing: Tampa Bay Home Improvement, sponsored by DPI Pressure Washing LLC Good morning! Something brand-new and exciting is happening before the holidays. It has to do with making your life as a homeowner easier. For real!
I found a keen-witted, relevant story, dealing with isolation and wanted to share this with you. Imagine a learned, wise teacher responding to his disciple, who asks: I am really happy we were not hit with a really bad storm and things can (almost) go back to normal. Here you see us on our way to Clearwater Beach for some beach clean-up with friends. BUT: I am thinking about you and all my customers and friends in Tampa Bay wishing you a safe weekend. I am sure, it will not come to the worst - we have a reputation for being spared by hurricanes, did you know that?
I want to make this coming Sunday special and are preparing and practicing with my kids for Mother´s Day. Here you see me in the picture with my bouquet of flowers, that I bought today, to show my customers, that I am serious with my offer to bring flowers to their moms - or loved ones on this Mother´s Day! (Click on the "Read More"-button to see more photos) My daughters above, my wife, staff and myself are wishing you very Happy Easter Holidays and good hunting for those tasty Easter eggs on Sunday :-)
Sincerely, Mauricio Munoz Family & Staff Contact ![]() There is lots to be said about DPI Pressure Washing in Clearwater and you can read many excellent customer testimonials on our website. However, I wanted to give you a very personal account on why I run this company and what makes me proud about what we do. My Family First of all: I am lucky to have a wonderful family that supports me all the way. My German wife and my 4 daughters are amazing and so full of energy, which inspires me every day. Having a stable family helps me a lot to give my best to our customers and staff and have fun while doing it. ;-) You haven´t heard from me since Easter and I apologize. So many things happened that I did not get to write anything down.
My parents-in-law came for 10 weeks and in addition my mother surprised us with her first visit from Colombia - not speaking a word of English! My children understand some, but their German and English is far better than their Spanish, so ... I became the permanent translator for everyone, including my German parents-in-law. Luckily we all get along very well, so it didn´t pose a big problem. However, mom got bored, so I took her with me when I did estimates for my customers or ran errands for the company. Being Colombian, we naturally had to stop for coffee on our way - always! And mom, being 75-years old, is still a very active, outgoing and social personality, so our trips were never boring. Mind you, I was working the same hours and ran my crews plus entertained my mom - when my wife wasn´t available (who luckily speaks Spanish). When my parents-in-law, wife and kids left to Germany for a vacation by the end of April, I had hoped, life would be going back to normal for me. But no: My mom decided to extend her stay with me `cause she liked it here so much. In addition to that, she invited my brother´s family from Panama to stay with us. Hallelujah! More people, more talking, more everything! Luckily, I am a family guy and used to this. Meanwhile my company was more busy then ever and business was going really well. So, to sum it all up: It seems, that I need this busy bustling life-style and thus shall not complain ;-) To end I´d like to pay reverence to all mother´s who put up with their sons, husbands and daughters and still love them to pieces, when they get the chance. Happy Mother´s Day! Sincerely, Mauricio Munoz Office: (813) 991-7243 Cell: (727) 565-8722 ![]() See our interview "Pressure Washing Rx for Your Home" on, a top site for Florida Homes, as well as Connecticut real estate, Rhode Island homes for sale & Clearwater, FL homes for sale.
Kind regards,
Mauricio Munoz Owner Office: 813-991-7243
As everyone knows, my wife is from Germany and she and my in-laws told me some awesome facts about the biggest folk-festival (and yes, the biggest beer-consumption, too) in the world: The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Guests come from all walks of life and enjoy the fun rides, food and of course, 6 Million liter of special Oktoberfest-Beer every year in the famous tents, mainly run by the biggest breweries in town. There are about 14 different tents, each hosting between 5,000 and 10,000 people.
Watch the below video from 2011 showing the great atmosphere on the last day of the Oktoberfest in the Schützen-Festzelt. You will notice, that this festival is much more than just a giant beer-party but a fantastic get-together of people of all nations and backgrounds having a real good time together.
Source: WiesnGaudiTV. The first social media station for the Oktoberfest.
Note that probably all these people are standing on their benches or tables!
5 + 5 Fun things to know about the Oktoberfest...
![]() It’s a girl! I am happy to announce the birth of my 3. daughter... Last week was a very busy one for us - and very rewarding, too, when on Wednesday, June 19, my third daughter was born right here in our home. She was neither too early nor too late and with her 8.8 pounds and 22 inches not a tiny girl ;-) Our competent midwife Jill and my wife Charlotta did an amazing job and I have to say: This is not something a man could pull off! Women deserve every respect for their courage, toughness and fortitude when it comes to giving birth to a new member of the human race! It was a very fulfilling experience and I am so happy that my wife and the baby are doing well. The only thing we haven’t been able to do yet, is find a name for the child! So many options - but nothing fits. So, please forgive me if I cannot present her to you with a name yet. :-) I am sure that we will grace her with a beautiful name by this weekend - and if only to stop those daily texts and phonecalls from relatives asking if we have finally decided on a name :-)) Charlotta, Valentina, Ella, “The Baby” and myself are wishing you a wonderful weekend! Sincerely, Mauricio Munoz Cell: 727-565-8722 Introducing - Family
Who are the people that make Pressure Washing Clearwater special? Meet the owner's family! Introducing: Mauricio Munoz, Charlotta Munoz, Valentina and Ella May Munoz... |
Ella May + Luna Marie + Amelie Rose Munoz:We like to help our Dad to promote his pressure washing and window cleaning business in Clearwater and Tampa Bay. Hope you enjoy this blog ;-). Charlotta Munoz + kids
June 2024